fredag 11 november 2011

Poster Nostalgia!!!

So much is going on at the moment - every Friday we host a gig at Kristiania Espressobar, bringing in nice music from all over Berlin, so far mostly in the area of singer-songwriter music.

Also my recordings somewhat up-and-running. Slowly.

Instead of writing a piece on what's been going on, I post all posters that I've designed in the past year. Hope you see them and remember. I try to at least.

The first Vorspiel - Oct 8th 2010
A passageway to the great north
Made by hand, colored in Photoshop
Nr. II - Dec. 10th 2010
When I was DIY and Japanese
Made by hand then scanned and edited in Photoshop
Nr. III - Jan. 28th 2011
Photo by Jan Korgaard
At the banks of the Landwehrkanal
My last Photoshop-poster
Nr. IV - March 18th 2011
The first Vorpiel with another band
Also the first one with The Sun & The Wolf
Picture taken in Alhambra
I'm trying out the possibilities
working with Illustrator 
Nr. V - May 20th 2011
Short lived sci-fi drone project
With my friends Josef, William and Fredrik
Tarkovskys "Stalker" being beamed upon us
Poster for my gig at Sing Blackbird - May 21st 2011
I was really into circles, they ran in all my scetches
for poster and flyers, I even tattooed one on my right arm
Childhood photo of me, sis, mom, grandma in a cold environment 
Nr VI - June 23rd 2011
A real quickie
We threw a going away party for Anna
I turned it into a Vorspiel, and you were supposed
to dress up as a hippie
Nr. VII, IIX, IX, X, XI & XII - Oct. 14 - Nov. 25th 2011
Deciding to start throwing a Vorspiel every single
friday there just wasn't time to come up with a
individual poster for every event, therefore they
were all crammed onto the same one
Coffee plant + the contours of Kristians face
Nr. X - Nov. 11th 2011
Suddenly finding more time to work on design
I copied this pattern of a coffee cup
An event that just grew bigger and bigger
through the addition of Mire Kay

Nr. XI - Nov. 18th 2011
This concert was supposed to be on July 22nd
But was cancelled due to the events on Utøya the same day
The design circles, as so often before, around my fascination
For adding too many fonts to a design
Photo of a coot family at Wannsee
Nr. XII - Nov. 25th 2011
Strongly inspired by the covers of to Section 25 albums
Fahrt suggested adding the painting "Licht II" by Hans Vaga
So I distorted it slightly and incorporated it into the design
Originally it was a picture from Bergfelde, a village north of Berlin

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